Sometimes, you may want to change a ticket's status, re-categorize it, assign it to someone else, or generally update its properties - all while working on it. The Properties option lets you modify and update any fields associated with a ticket.

A quick guide for setting ticket properties

  • Click on any ticket from the Ticket List view or Dashboard to open the ticket.

  • Go to Ticket Details > Properties.

  • Update the values that you'd like to change in the corresponding fields.

  • Click Update when you're done.

Note: Tags can also be added to a ticket from the Ticket Details page - just click Add tag, and type the required tag.

The ticket's Due by Time is automatically calculated based on its priority and the SLA rules you have defined. However, you can also change this on a case-by-case basis by clicking on the Change field.

A quick guide to manually changing the Ticket Due by Time

  • Click on any ticket from the Ticket List view or Dashboard to see its details.

  • The current Due By time is visible below the Action Bar (above the description of the ticket).

  • Click on Edit next to the current time displayed.

  • In the popup that appears, either choose from the contextual date options (due today, tomorrow, next week, etc.) or select Pick date and time to enter a specific date and time.

  • Click Update to save your changes.

Note: Manually changing the ticket due by time is only available from the Blossom plan.