Below are the steps involved for Active Directory (AD) Integration:

  1. The user visits [yourapp]
  2. Freshdesk sees that your Freshdesk account is configured for remote authentication.
  3. Freshdesk sends a redirect response to your browser, telling it to visit the authentication script. The script would be hosted on an internal IIS server at your site, but since your PC where your browser resides, can access both and your LAN, that is alright.
  4. Your browser redirects to the authentication script.
  5. Since you configure your IIS to use Windows Integrated Authentication (and disable anonymous access) for this script, your browser automatically uses your Active Directory credentials to run the script.
  6. The script uses your Active Directory username to lookup your full name and email address.
  7. These pieces of information are packaged and a digest is created (MD5 digest with name + email + shared secret).
  8. The script redirects your browser back to [yourcompany], and includes your full name, email and message digest.
  9. Freshdesk receives the information and logs you in.


Attached is the VB Script for AD Integration.

Let's assume your script is stored in "dc-svr01". In this script when it points to http://dc-svr01/rep , the script should redirect the user to which will automatically proceed to freshdesk logged in. So, when users access the helpdesk - ,  we will automatically redirect to this script http://dc-svr01/rep which must redirect to the url.

Points to note:

First off, the script should be in ASP extension. ADScript.asp.

Go  to the IIS Server -> C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Here create a new Folder - Freshdesk & place this file here and save it.

In the sReturnURL section, it should point to your Freshdesk URL. i.e.

In your Freshdesk Account, Go to Admin > Account > Security > Single Sign on  and copy this Shared Secret HASH and paste it in the script in the HASH section.

Once done, ensure that you give the correct script URL in Admin > Account > Security > Single Sign on section in Freshdesk.

In this script where it shows, sLdapReaderUsername = "domain\username" & sLdapReaderPassword = "password" , give any Read Only username and Password from your AD, who has access to Read all the user credentials.

Please follow the screenshots and then try to access the Script from http://dc-svr01/test.asp and see if the script is executed or not. Ensure that the IIS calls this script with Integrated Authentication and NOT via Anonymous Authentication.Change the authentication to only use NTLM and not negotiate to Kerberos.

Run the following command to apply the FDHMACMD5.dll file.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe /codebase

You can find this file attached below.


Below are the steps involved for Active Directory (AD) Integration:


  1. The user visits [yourapp]
  2. Freshdesk sees that your Freshdesk account is configured for remote authentication.
  3. Freshdesk sends a redirect response to your browser, telling it to visit the authentication script. The script would be hosted on an internal IIS server at your site, but since your PC where your browser resides, can access both and your LAN, that is alright.
  4. Your browser redirects to the authentication script.
  5. Since you configure your IIS to use Windows Integrated Authentication (and disable anonymous access) for this script, your browser automatically uses your Active Directory credentials to run the script.
  6. The script uses your Active Directory username to lookup your full name and email address.
  7. These pieces of information are packaged and a digest is created (MD5 digest with name + email + shared secret).
  8. The script redirects your browser back to [yourcompany], and includes your full name, email and message digest.
  9. Freshdesk receives the information and logs you in.


Attached is the VB Script for AD Integration.

Let's assume your script is stored in "dc-svr01". In this script when it points to http://dc-svr01/rep , the script should redirect the user to which will automatically proceed to freshdesk logged in. So, when users access the helpdesk - ,  we will automatically redirect to this script http://dc-svr01/rep which must redirect to the url.

Points to note:

First off, the script should be in ASP extension. ADScript.asp.

Go  to the IIS Server -> C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Here create a new Folder - Freshdesk & place this file here and save it.

In the sReturnURL section, it should point to your Freshdesk URL. i.e.

In your Freshdesk Account, Go to Admin > Account > Security > Single Sign on  and copy this Shared Secret HASH and paste it in the script in the HASH section.

Once done, ensure that you give the correct script URL in Admin > Account > Security > Single Sign on section in Freshdesk.

In this script where it shows, sLdapReaderUsername = "domain\username" & sLdapReaderPassword = "password" , give any Read Only username and Password from your AD, who has access to Read all the user credentials.

Please follow the screenshots and then try to access the Script from http://dc-svr01/test.asp and see if the script is executed or not. Ensure that the IIS calls this script with Integrated Authentication and NOT via Anonymous Authentication.Change the authentication to only use NTLM and not negotiate to Kerberos.

Run the following command to apply the FDHMACMD5.dll file.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe  /codebase

You can find this file attached below.