With the Freshdesk help widget, you can embed solution articles and a contact form within your website or product. When your customers need help, they can open the widget to search through solution articles or to submit a ticket. You can watch this video to learn how to set up the help widget or read more about setting up the help widget here.

You can embed the help widget on your Shopify store and show solution articles and a contact form to your customers. Based on how you set up the widget in your Freshdesk account (Admin > Channels > Widgets), you can customize its appearance and set up channels (a ticket form or solution articles or both) for your customers.

The following steps will guide you through implementing the widget in your Shopify site.

1. Setting up the widget in your Freshdesk account

  • Login to your Freshdesk account and go to Admin > Channels > Widgets.
    If you can't see widgets under support channels, please contact support.
  • You can set up channels (a ticket form or solution articles or both) that need to appear on the widget, and customize its appearance. To learn more about these options, you can read these solution articles.
  • Once you've set up the widget, you can go to the Embed code tab and copy the code. Here's a sample embed code:

2. Embedding the widget in your Shopify account

  • Log in to your Shopify account and go to Themes.

  • Click on the Customize button to access the theme editor.

  • On the theme editor page, click on the three dots at the top-left corner and choose Edit Code.

  • On the theme code editor page, use the search box to locate the footer section and select footer.liquid.

  • On the right side of the page, scroll to the bottom and insert the widget embed code copied from Freshdesk Widgets.

  • After pasting the code, click Save.

  • When your customers visit your website, they can now see the Freshdesk help widget.