The Reopened tickets widget in the Helpdesk Ticket Volume report displays the number of tickets that were reopened during the selected time period. These tickets are categorized based on properties such as Source, Status, Priority, etc. It's important to note that these tickets could have been created at any time but must have been reopened within the specified time period. 

Ticket Filters: The Helpdesk Ticket Volume report allows filtering based on all ticket properties, including default and custom properties such as Tags. By using filters, you can evaluate an agent or group's performance in terms of accurate ticket resolution. This flexibility also allows you to analyze different properties and metrics, such as identifying the agent with the highest number of reopened tickets in the selected period or determining the type of tickets that are frequently reopened and which group handles them.

Tickets reopened split by Source: This widget presents the distribution of reopened tickets during the selected time period according to their current source. It provides immediate visibility if the number of reopened tickets is disproportionate to the number of tickets created through each channel. For example, if you observe that a significant number of tickets are created via the phone channel but are not reopened as frequently as others, it may be beneficial to encourage agents to utilize the phone channel more.

Tickets reopened split by Priority: This widget illustrates the breakdown of reopened tickets during the selected time period based on their current priority. It allows you to determine the number of 'Urgent' and 'High' priority tickets that were reopened.

Tickets reopened split by Type: This widget displays the distribution of reopened tickets during the selected time period based on their current type. It enables you to identify the most frequently reopened ticket types in your helpdesk, assisting in making informed decisions. For instance, if a majority of tickets fall under the 'Troubleshooting' type, it might be a suitable time to create a step-by-step troubleshooting guide to ensure agents don't prematurely close tickets.

Tickets reopened split by Custom Properties: This widget presents the breakdown of reopened tickets during the selected time period based on any custom property. If you have multiple custom properties, you can choose one from the drop-down menu to view how reopened tickets are distributed according to that specific property. Note that custom text fields will not be available for selection in the drop-down menu.