Skip notifications are applicable only for new ticket created and closed notifications.
New ticket created notification:
We'll only be able to skip new ticket-created email notifications using ticket-creation automation rules. We'll not be able to do this for other email notifications.
Enabling skip new ticket-created email notifications under admin>>automations>>ticket creation will skip the email notifications for both agents and customers.
This is usually used in case of communication between two Helpdesks. Let's say, there are two Freshdesk accounts A and B.
- Account A sends an email to account B which will create a ticket in account B.
- Now the new ticket-created email notification will be triggered from account B to account A and this will be created as a ticket in account A.
- Again the new ticket created in account A will trigger a new ticket-created email notification to B causing an endless looping.
In order to avoid this looping issue, we use the skip new ticket email notification condition in automation based on a specific requester or a company.
Closed notification:
We can use the keyboard shortcut(shift+close) to skip the closed notification email. This will work only for default email notifications configured under admin>>email notifications and not for customised notifications setup using automations.