Placeholders are dynamic variables that can be used in email notifications, canned responses, and other areas.
These placeholders are replaced with actual values when the email or response is sent or used.
Placeholders can dynamically insert information such as the customer's name, ticket id, agent name, and more. For example, you can use the {{ticket. subject}} placeholder to automatically insert the subject of the ticket in an email notification.
Common issues with placeholders in email notifications:
- 1. Password reset link for customers not working
- 2. Satisfaction survey sent twice in resolved/closed ticket notification
1. Password reset link for customers not working
This can happen when the customer has hyperlinked a wrong value under 'Click here to reset your password ' instead of the placeholder.
Please navigate to admin>>email notifications>>requester notifications>>Password reset email and check if the below placeholder is hyperlinked in place of click here to reset the password.
2. Satisfaction survey sent twice in resolved/closed ticket notification
When the satisfaction survey setting is already enabled to be sent on ticket closure/resolution under admin>>customer satisfaction and if the customer still includes the satisfaction survey placeholder({{ticket.satisfaction_survey}}) in the agent solves the ticket notification, then the survey will be sent twice.
Advise the customer to remove the placeholder as it will be sent automatically along with closed/resolved notification based on the settings enabled under admin>>customer satisfaction.
3. Placeholders not rendered properly
1. Placeholders returning blank: Placeholders are replaced with actual values when the email notification is triggered if the specific field holds a value. For example, if the customer has included a placeholder pertaining to a custom ticket field and if the field value is empty at the time of triggering the notification, then it will return blank.
Example: In the below notification sample, is this easy to answer is a custom ticket field and at the time of ticket creation, if the field doesn't hold a value, then it will be returned blank.
2. Placeholders not being rendered and instead appearing as placeholders themselves
If the placeholders are not enclosed properly with double quotes, then it will be not rendered properly and appear as placeholders themselves,
4. Placeholder gallery
Apart from the ones available in the insert placeholder section in email notifications, we've other placeholders which can be used in email notifications and the same has been added in the sheet below,
5. Canned forms in email notifications
We can include canned forms in email notifications using the placeholder - {{ticket.canned_form_cannedformid}}
The canned form id can be fetched from the URL while accessing the canned forms,