To address a customer's report of a non-executed automation rule on a ticket, follow these steps:
- Go to the Automation Rule section by navigating to Admin --> Workflows --> Automations --> Under Ticket Creation. Search for the specific rule and click on Edit.
- Thoroughly review all the conditions specified in the rule, and then proceed to locate the ticket where the rule failed to execute.
- Click on the "Show Activities" button to display all the activities associated with the ticket.
- Since this is a rule related to ticket creation, examine the updated field values that occurred at the exact time the ticket was created. Ensure that these updated values align with the conditions set in the automation rule.
- In some cases, the conditions may match, but if there is another ticket creation automation rule that executed on the ticket while the specific rule did not, check if the "Execute First Matching Rule" condition is enabled under Admin --> Workflows --> Automation --> Ticket Creation.
- If the condition is enabled, suggest to the customer that they change this setting to "Execute All Matching Rules" as illustrated below:
By enabling this option, all matching rules will be executed instead of just the first one.
- If the customer confirms that the "All matching rules" option is already enabled and the rule still did not execute, carefully compare the conditions specified in the configured rule with the activities recorded on the ticket. Look for any discrepancies or missing configurations that may have caused the automation rule to skip the mentioned ticket.
We can also confirm this by checking the logs using the queries below in Haystack :
- How to get the backend ticket ID ?
-->Hit the URL below in the browser to view the XML view of the ticket where an agent is logged in, in the format where 123 is the ticket ID.
-->The "id" that you see highlighted in the screenshot below is the backend ticket ID. - How to Get the Automation Rule ID ?
Navigate to the specific automation rule that has been configured and in the URL section, you can identify a series of Numbers at the end of the URL as seen below. This would be the Automation Rule ID. - Now, once we have these details, we can use it to search for logs in Haystack(for the respective POD) under the "freshdesk" logset with the search query as shown below :
--> "backend ticket id" AND "automation rule id"
-->With the results obtained, you can carefully obtain which of the conditions on the automation rule has matched, and which has failed. We can cross-verify this with the rule condition configured in the UI, and check on the ticket activities as well, if they satisfy or not.
Based on that, we can inform the cutomer for the reason why the rule did not trigger as it did not match the respective conditions.