Possible queries:
- Where is my data stored?
- I want to know more about how Freshworks host its customers' data. Could you help?
- How to choose the data center for my Freshdesk account?
Resolution path:
1. Where is my data stored?
If a customer wants to know in which data center their Freshdesk account is located, you can follow the below steps:
a) Confirm the Freshdesk URL of the customer (Example format: companyname.freshdesk.com or their vanity URL).
b) Fetch the account details via FreshOps.
c) There will be a section called Pod that gives you the data center where the respective account is hosted that you can share with the customer.
A sample screenshot for reference:
Here's how you will have to map the Pod with the location:
poduseast1 -> US DC
podeucentral1 -> EU DC
podapsouth1 -> IN DC
podapsoutheast2 -> AU DC
2. I want to know more about how Freshworks host its customers' data. Could you help?
You can share the below link with the customer to understand how the data is stored and processed:
3. How to choose the data center for my Freshdesk account?
If the customer is yet to sign up for a new account, they can choose the data center as highlighted in the below screenshot:
If they are already a Freshdesk customer, they cannot change the data center directly. We can move such queries to the DAP team as they will be able to help them further.