Possible queries:

Lost my device, unable to find recovery codes

Cannot access codes

Resolution path:

  • Check with the agent if they have access to the recovery codes provided while setting up 2FA if they are unable to access their mobile device for the 2FA code. Ensure to click "Unable to access your authentication code" and then on the following page, enter the recovery code.

  • If the agent do not have the recovery codes handy, the agent can request recovery codes from the Organization Admin. The Organization Admin can send recovery codes to the user.

    To check the Organization Admin for the Org, you can check it using the HODOR bot in Slack. You would need the Organization URL and the region of the account (it would be of the format domain.myfreshworks.com or domain.freshworks.com).
    You can also send the recovery code email from our end via HODOR bot in Slack.Do make sure the right agent email is being entered in the query for Hodor bot
  • Alternatively, the Organization Admin can also disable 2FA for the user temporarily. If the requesting agent is the only Org admin, we can help disable 2FA using the HODOR bot. You will have to reach out to your regional slack group for this.

  • If the agent is unable to login post disabling 2FA, you can ask the agent facing this issue to clear the cache and cookies in their browser or give it try in an incognito window. If the issue still persists, request a videograb of the agent trying to log in from an incognito window.