Possible Queries :
How can I merge a ticket ?
When are we supposed to merge tickets ?
What is the best time to merge a ticket ?
Resolution Path :
Sometimes, a customer might try to get your attention regarding a particular issue by contacting you through separate channels. Sometimes, the same issue might be reported by different people in the team or someone might accidentally open a new ticket instead of following up on an existing one. To avoid conflicts, you can merge all related tickets together and keep the communication streamlined.
How do you merge a Ticket ?
- While, in the Ticket Details page, when you want to merge a ticket, go to the Newer/latest ticket, and then click on the Merge button on the top as highlighted below. It is important to begin the Merge from a Newer/ Later Ticket, and Merge into an Older Ticket. It is not Advisable to merge the opposite way (Old Ticket to New Ticket).
- In the dialog box that pops up, select which one you want to be the primary ticket - a tick will appear indicating that it's been marked.
- If you'd like to remove any tickets from the merge, you can do so by clicking on the - icon next to them in the list. You cannot remove a ticket from the merge if it's been marked as a primary.
- Similarly, you can use the search box on the right side to look up tickets by either ID, Subject or Contact and add them to the list.
- When you're ready to proceed, click on the Continue button.
When tickets are merged together, a note is added to the primary and the secondary ticket. You can edit the content in each of them, if necessary, by selecting Edit note. By default, the note will be added as a Private note and the requester won't be notified regarding the merge. However, you can choose to add it as a Public note (visible to the customers) and notify the requester using the Who should see this? dropdown.
The merge action cannot be undone. Please make sure that the tickets you have chosen are the right tickets to merge before clicking on the Merge button.