
Possible queries:
Incorrect data in report
Issues with filters and wrong data displayed

Resolution Path:

  • Validate account details.

  • Get the issue and details of:

    - Metric used and widget configuration. Definitions of metrics are available here - https://support.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/50000000041-support-metrics-in-freshdesk-analytics

    - Filters applied on Metric level, Widget level, Page level and Report level.

    - If the difference in report data is seen by one or all admins (check the scope of the admin).

    - Since when the mismatch is present (approximately)

    - How was the expected value calculated or referred from (eg. Power BI or ticket list view export etc)

    - Validate using occasional agent access with account admin rights and global scope.

  • Once we have a decent idea on the configuration of the report/widget and why the customer feels there is an issue and follow the below:

    - Check if the scope of the agent is the reason i.e if the user has restricted/group scope, results in Analytics would show up or consider the scope of the user viewing the report.

    - Check the timezone of the user facing the issue - in freshdesk profile as well as user profile in Organization page.

    - Check if the metric with the mismatch is historic or not (historic would consider all the changes made and not just the current state of the ticket). Examples in the PDF - Important metric definitions attached.

    - Check for the total effective time period for which data is being fetched.
    (Eg: if the page filter is "in the last 6 months" and the widget filter is "in the last 1 months", the effective date range would be "in the last 1 months")

    - Check the date range dimension - Created date, Resolved date etc. or if it is just time period.
    (Eg: if the date range dimension is "Resolved date", it will consider for tickets resolved within the effective time period which could have been created anytime.)

    - Check if the metric considers the action being performed rather than just the event (For eg: Ticket resolved metric would check tickets that were actually resolved within the date range dimension rather than just the count of tickets that are in resolved status).

    - If the tickets that are not expected are present in Underlying data are obtained, validate a few samples and check the Show Activities of the tickets to understand if it satisfies the filter configurations.
    (Eg: Ticket assigned to agent with a group filter would have the right group captured only if the group was set before or at the time of agent update. If the group was updated after agent assignment, the group would not be captured).

    - If there is indeed a mismatch or a clarification is required, raise an L2 ticket with all your findings for further troubleshooting. If the ticket that is supposed to be considered and the said update happened in the last 14-21 days, attach the logs for the update as well.