Possible Queries :
- Why is another name shown when the note was created by me ?
- The name shown on the note is of a different agent than the one that added the note.
- Incorrect Agent name shown when note is added on a ticket
Resolution Path :
If an API call is used to add a public or private note on a ticket, then the Agent's Name that is corresponding to the API key used for the API call or App integration will be the one that is shown on the Note.
For apps that require an API key, [ usually an Account Admin's API key] , the Name that will be used to show on the Note will be of the same Account Admin.
We can confirm if the note was added by an API call by checking the Note Creation Logs, and searching for "api/v2" in the log results that appear.
It would look like this :
Started POST "/api/v2/tickets/2211739/notes"
If it is shown as "api/_/tickets" then it has been done via the UI.