Possible queries:

Auto refresh icon not visible

Update bubble is not showing

Resolution path:

  • Validate account details.

  • The auto refresh/update icon should show up whenever there is a new ticket or any update is done to tickets apart from the user viewing/performing the action. Example scenarios:

    Let's say agent A and B have access to a view with the following filters (Group-> Support and Status->Open).
    If agent B changes one of the Support group's tickets to Pending, then the auto-refresh icon will appear in the tickets list view for agent A and not for agent B.
    i.e this would not appear if you update the tickets yourself.

    The auto-refresh icon would also appear in the tickets list view if you change the status to resolved/closed after updating the mandatory ticket fields in the list view.

  • If it is not the same as above, check the following:
    -> if this is happening on all the views under the ticket list view or only in a few views.
    -> if this is happening for all the agents or only some.
    -> if this happens in a different browser.
    -> get Occasional agent access to the account and check if it is replicable.

  • If this is happening consistently for all agents and using occasional agent access as well, raise L2 ticket.

  • If many customers are reporting this, check regional slack groups or with leads/mentors for any ongoing downtime and report the same if there are more such tickets.