Once you publish an article, your customers will be able to view the solution articles in your Knowledge Base to get answers to questions they have.

1. At the end of every article, the reader is given the option of providing feedback under the Did you find it helpful? section. 

A Yes or a No vote amounts to a like or a dislike that is visible in the Article Analytics section. 

Note: If you are on the Estate or Forest plan, you will be able to disable the 'Did you find it helpful?' section using Portal Customization. Copy the code given below and paste it under Admin > Portal > Customize > Edit/Clone&Edit > Stylesheet > CSS > Preview > Save > Publish

.article-vote { display:none; }

2. When a reader selects No, he/she is given an option to provide more feedback. 

3a. Once feedback is provided, it gets converted into a ticket that your support team will be able to look into.


The author of the article will automatically be marked as a watcher on this ticket. The author can then come up with ideas for improving content.

3b. Feedback on the article is visible under the Analytics section in the specific Article View page. 

3c. Feedback on all the articles would be visible in the Solutions Home page.