You can use ready-made snippets in your FreshThemes to enhance your support operations. For example, instead of updating the layout of the new ticket form, you can include the corresponding snippet and improve the behavior.

Portal Wide Snippets


Return Type

What they mean

snippet new_ticket_formhtmlIncludes the new ticket form into the page
snippet new_topic_formhtmlIncludes the new topic form into the page
snippet signup_formhtmlIncludes the signup form into the page
snippet login_formhtmlIncludes the login form into the page
snippet forgot_password_formhtmlIncludes the forgot password form into the page
snippet search_formhtmlIncludes the search from into the page

Topic detail page snippets


Return Type

What they mean

snippet topic_replyhtmlIncludes the topic reply form into the page
snippet topic_votehtmlIncludes the voting buttons into the page  

Here's the list of placeholders for other categories: