Though WhatsApp is available as a native integration in Freshdesk, we need a Facebook Business Manager account to proceed from our side and this needs to be owned by the customer already.  It is not possible to proceed without a business manager account.

If customers reach out without having a business manager account, we can redirect them to this link to raise a request for one -

Business verification is also mandatory-

We’ll need the following information from the customer to proceed forward,

Freshdesk URL
WhatsApp number to be integrated
Facebook Business Manager ID

Time zone

WhatsApp Display Name for the Business.

Based on this, we will create a WhatsApp Business Account on behalf of client(the model we use for integration with Freshdesk).

If customers request for the difference between Freshdesk and Freshchat integration with Whatsapp, the below can be shared,

Freshchat supports Proactive messaging(you can initiate a conversation with the customer), whereas Freshdesk can only allow reactive messaging(you can only reply to customers' messages).

We cannot use automation in Freshdesk - WhatsApp Tickets; this is possible in Freshchat.

Freshchat is a more recommended software to integrate WhatsApp because Freshchat is already a chat channel product.

For the whole integration process to take place, it ideally takes 4 to 5 business days.  In case of any technical difficulties, it would take 2 weeks as some of the processes depends on Facebook’s approval which we do not have control of.