Yes, it is possible to integrate your Freddy Bots with your Freshchat. But there are some pre-requisites and we require some information to process this request. 

Here are the pre-requisites for this integration: 

  1. Freddy Bot has to be set up and is functional in Freshdesk 
  2. Visitor API has to be enabled in Freshchat 
  3. Webhook has to be enabled for Bots in Freshchat

To process these requests, we will be needing the below information : 

  • Freshdesk account URL 
  • The script that is available in the “configure” Freddy bot page in Freshdesk
  • Freshchat account ID, from the URL 
  • Freshchat App ID, from Freshchat -> Setting->Mobile SDK->App ID

Based on your requirement, we can build this integration around any of the following scenarios : 

  1. Keep the 'Create Ticket' button - So there will be a total of 3 buttons: Try Again, Create Ticket, Talk to agent 
  2. Remove 'Create Ticket' button - So there will be a total of 2 buttons: Try Again, Talk to agent 
  3. Remove both 'Create Ticket' and 'Talk to agent', add button called 'Connect to Agent' - So there will be a total of 2 buttons: Try Again, Connect to agent - Bot will connect to agent if, inside business hours, the bot will create a ticket out of business hours.

If you have any requirement on your mind, just drop an email to We'd be happy to assist!