Legacy Reports vs. Analytics: Legacy reports are being deprecated, while analytics provide both historical and real-time data.

Real-Time vs. Historical Data: Legacy reports display real-time data for the selected time period, capturing assigned tickets within that timeframe. Analytics reports show both historical and real-time data, potentially leading to differences.

Data Capture: Legacy reports capture only the number of tickets assigned to agents within the specified time. Analytics reports capture tickets assigned, reassigned, and unassigned within the same timeframe, potentially resulting in higher numbers.

Ticket Counting Method: Analytics counts a ticket as assigned if it was assigned to the agent at least once during the specified period.

Ticket Changes: Analytics reports include tickets that were assigned, reassigned, and unassigned during the selected timeframe, contributing to potential discrepancies.

Overall Result: Analytics reports may show higher ticket numbers due to the inclusion of reassigned and unassigned tickets during the selected period.

It's important to understand these differences when comparing ticket statistics between legacy reports and analytics.

Legacy Reports vs. Analytics: Legacy reports are being deprecated, while analytics replacing legacy reports come with a latency of 30 minutes and cannot be used for real-time monitoring.

Real-Time vs. Historical Data: Legacy reports display real-time data for the selected time period, capturing assigned tickets within that timeframe. Analytics reports show both historical and real-time data with a latency of 30 minutes, potentially leading to differences.

  • Legacy reports capture only the number of tickets assigned to agents within the specified time. Analytics reports capture tickets assigned, reassigned, and unassigned within the same timeframe, potentially resulting in higher numbers.
  • Analytics counts a ticket as assigned if it was assigned to the agent at least once during the specified period.
  • Analytics reports include tickets that were assigned, reassigned, and unassigned during the selected timeframe, contributing to potential difference in numbers when compared to legacy reports.
  • Analytics reports may show higher ticket numbers due to the inclusion of reassigned and unassigned tickets during the selected period.

It's important to understand these differences when comparing ticket statistics between legacy reports and the report from analytics.

Differences in the types of reports:

Helpdesk In-depth report 
The Helpdesk In-depth report gives you an overview of your helpdesk system, ticket flow, and the Key Performance Indicators that determine the performance of the helpdesk. This report includes the number of tickets created, resolved, or reopened as well as the helpdesk average response time, resolution time, and SLA metrics. You can further perform analysis based on various ticket properties like source, type, priority, status, and number of responses. 

Helpdesk In-depth report in Freshdesk

In Analytics, the ticket flow and KPIs are split into two reports.

Helpdesk Performance

Helpdesk Ticket Volume

Helpdesk Performance
The Helpdesk Performance report emphasizes KPIs like Response, Resolution times, etc. You can choose a time period or the specific date range for which the report has to be generated using the Filter option. When you filter by time period, the percentage change for each metric is calculated using the number of days in the specified period compared with the same number of days in the previous period. 

Helpdesk Ticket Volume
The Helpdesk Ticket Volume report provides a detailed analysis of the ticket flow based on the different ticket properties. For example as a Supervisor, if you notice that there are many urgent priority tickets and L1 type of tickets getting raised, you can check if there is downtime or a major issue to be addressed.

Learn more about the 
Basics of Analytics through our webinar with insights on curated reports, creating custom reports for your helpdesk, learning to apply filters on reports, and much more.

You can also refer to our Analytics guide for various use cases to implement in your helpdesk.