It is not recommended to disable the automatic ticket creation from the support email address, as removing the email configuration entirely may impede all incoming email responses, hindering their integration with the helpdesk system and creating issues with email threading.
However, if you are looking for a temporary solution, you can disable the forwarding setup in your support mailbox that connects to Freshdesk so that every email does not get converted into a ticket. Instead, you can manually forward the tickets to your support address. Please note that ticket replies will also be stopped during this phase unless manually forwarded.
Sometimes you want to auto-forward only certain emails reaching your support mailbox as tickets in your helpdesk. As per the behavior, emails reaching only your primary inbox (support mailbox) are auto-forwarded to Freshdesk when using the forwarding rule. Hence, you can set up filters in your support mailbox level to route emails that you do not want tickets for to be moved to another folder. Such filtering can be configured with the help of your IT/Email team.
In case you receive a few emails you did not want as tickets in your helpdesk, you can set up a ticket creation automation rule (Admin > Workflows Automation > Ticket creation) like below to suffice your requirements. You can tweak the rule conditions and actions based on your usecase.