There may be certain cases where customers do not want all of their mails coming to Freshdesk as Tickets.
We can make use of Automations to automatically mark such tickets as Spam or Delete them.
- Use Case 1 :
Sometimes customers might setup a "no-reply" email as a support email address, and replies coming back to that email might be created as tickets in Freshdesk. To avoid this, we can setup the below automation rule to mark such tickets as spam or delete them automatically :
You can set up an automation rule under Admin > Workflows > Automations > Ticket creation > New rule:
[ Make sure to have "Execute All Matching Rules" enabled as well ]
- Use Case 2
In cases where there are lots of Spam tickets being received from a Spammer like the "Russian Spam" for example. If the customer does not provide support to any customers in the Russian Language, you can setup an Automation Rule containing All alphabets from the Russian language, and configure to be marked as Spam and delete the ticket as well. Here is a sample:
You can set up an automation rule under Admin > Workflows > Automations > Ticket creation > New rule:
[ Make sure to have "Execute All Matching Rules" enabled as well ]