Possible Questions
1. Agent sorting and agent views
2. Export agents
Resolution Path
Agent Sorting
1. Agents are sorted by default based on their names in ascending order. However, the admin can choose to sort either by last seen or created date.
2. The last seen is calculated based on the agent's last logged-in date.
3. By default, the agent's name, email address, group, roles, scope and last seen are only displayed and this view cannot be customized.
4. If customers use Freshsales suite integration(in product), an additional column called Freshsales agent will be displayed. These agents will have access to Freshdesk tickets only to add private notes and create tickets.
4. If the customer has issues with sorting not working, request screenshots of the sorting condition and results displayed for the customer.
5. If there's a legit issue with sorting and if not locally reproducible in the customer's instance, request for occasional agent access with admin rights and have an L2 raised.
Export agents
1. Agents can be exported from admin>>agents.
2. Only the specified parameters can be exported,
3. If customers request for additional parameters to be exported apart from the above such as agentid, check if the same is available in the list all agents API and provide the same - https://developers.freshdesk.com/api/#list_all_agents.
4. If customers request these to be included in the UI itself, please raise the same as a feature request after consulting with your lead.
5. On clicking the export button, a link to download the file will be sent to the email address of the agent who initiated the request. On clicking the link, a CSV file will be downloaded.
6. For issues with agent export email not being delivered, please open Sumologic(US pod) and use the query - "agentemailaddress" AND "AGENT_EXPORT"
7. Use this article to find the status of the email and if there are any issues with delivery.