1. What is archiving?

              Archiving is a feature enabled to enhance the helpdesk performance where tickets that have not been         updated after a specific period (by default 120 days) of closure will be archived. It will not appear in the list view and you may choose exclude it from the global search results as well. This thereby reduces the load time and efficiency of the helpdesk.

2. How to access archived tickets?

To retrieve the archived tickets, click on the 'Archive' view under the Tickets tab. You will be redirected to a page where you can apply the required filters and then Export this file to your agent email address. You can choose the necessary contact and company field values along with the ticket properties for this export. You will find the ticket URL in the exported file to help you view the tickets individually on the helpdesk.

3. Can archived tickets be unarchived?

No. Archived tickets can't be unarchived. 

4. Can we make property updates to archived tickets?

Archived tickets will be in read-only mode and no property updates can be made.

5. What happens when a customer replies to an archived ticket?

Any new reply made by the customer in the email thread, or a follow up by email to a ticket that has been archived, will be added as a new ticket in the helpdesk.

6. Tickets not created for archived tickets reply

An reply made to an archived ticket should be added as a new ticket in the helpdesk. To troubleshoot this further, gather the details to fetch the ticket creation logs for that specific reply.

7. Tickets not archived correctly

By default the archiving period will be set as 120 days for all accounts. Tickets will be archived after 120 days of absolutely no activity in the ticket. If a ticket has not been archived verify if the ticket was resolved or closed and also if any activity/ property update was made after the ticket was closed and calculate the time after the latest activity of closure.

8. Will archived tickets be counted in reports?


9.How to delete archived tickets?

An agent can go to the archived ticket detail page upon performing a search or using the ticket ID in the URL or through the Contact/Company > Archived tickets and use the 'Delete forever' button to delete the ticket. This action will permanently delete the ticket from the helpdesk and is irreversible

10. Can archived tickets be exported?

 A maximum of only one export can run at a time for an account. You can trigger the next export after receiving the previous export's file.