Resolution Path :
- If a customer needs to control or define certain permissions for a module within Freshdesk, the initial step involves checking if the desired permission already exists. This can be done by going to Admin > Team > Roles > New Role.
- Next, we carefully review the list of available permissions to determine if any of them meet the customer's requirements.
- Should none of the existing permissions meet the customer's needs, we can proceed to create a Feature Request Tracker to address the specific permission they are requesting.
You can create a Feature Request Tracker by doing the following steps :
- First click on the "Linked Tickets" widget inside your ticket, and then "Link To a Tracker" option.
- Choose the "Subject" option from the drop-down and then search for any existing tracker with similar keywords.
- In case, there is an existing tracker for the same request, you can link your ticket to the existing tracker.
- If there is no existing tracker for the same request, then you can use the "+Create New Tracker" option to create a new tracker.
- Give the Subject and Description as shown in the sample below :
- Hit Create after filling in all necesary fields, and this will link your ticket to this tracker.