- Forwarding is not configured properly
- Ticket creation to long forwarding address fails
- Specific emails are not converted to tickets
- Ticket not created despite mailbox in running state
Forwarding is not configured properly
When customers use the default Freshdesk mail server for incoming emails, we generate a long forwarding address that needs to be configured at the individual mailbox level. If ticket creation fails despite forwarding being configured, then proceed with the below steps:
Drop an email to the long forwarding address(will be available under admin>>emails>>edit email) and the support email address.
If the email to the long forwarding address is created as a ticket, then the issue is with the forwarding set up at the mailbox level.
To check if the ticket is actually created, we can either make use of haystack logs or another easy way would be to check in DevOps
In DevOps, we have a section called sample tickets which will show the entire count of tickets in the account and the latest 5 tickets with the subject. If the ticket is created, then the subject of the created ticket will be visible here.
Please request the customer to check the forwarding configuration.
Emails sent from one support email to another support email address will not be converted as a ticket
Incase of Microsoft, please check with the customers if firewell or anti-spam filters are not blocking the emails. If emails are rejected with the reason - 550 5.7.520 Access denied, Your organization does not allow external forwarding. Please contact your administrator for further assistance, please share this article with the customer.
Ticket creation to long forwarding address fails
We recently introduced rate limit for incoming emails for specific accounts which could be one of the reasons why incoming emails are not converted to tickets. This is predominantly enabled for free accounts.
Please proceed with the below steps to identify if that's the case:
Drop an email to the long forwarding address and the support email address.
If the email to the long forwarding address is not creating a ticket, we need to check for logs in Sumologic.
Log into Sumologic(navigate to and under the engineering section, you can find Sumologic). Based on the account pod(can be seen from DevOps - podapsouth1 - IND pod, poduseast1 - US pod, podeucentral - EU pod) and choose the respective Sumologic pod.
Get the message ID of the email(if Gmail, click on show original and get the messageID) and use the same as a search query in Sumologic
If the reason shows "Email Push to product failed. Response from Product:429", then it could be due to rate limiting. There's a rate limit of 500 requests per minute on the incoming email and if this limit is exceeded, we throw 429 and the platform retries the emails after some time. This is the expectation.
Specific emails are not converted to tickets(Applicable to Custom Mail Server as well)
Haystack query:
- Enter the Subject and Acc. ID in the search bar.
- Search for the term Parameters
- The request ID in the square braces will be the request ID and we'll have to use that to load the logs further.
- Proceed with steps below to get further detaild,
If specific emails are not getting converted to a ticket, then it could be due to,
- If the email is from a deleted contact - then it will be marked as spam
- Search for the term - Ticket marked as spam due to deleted User
- Check if there is any automation that is marking the ticket as spam
- Due to the spam score of the email - For every incoming email, we associate a spam score and the threshold is six. If the spam score is greater than 6, we mark the email as spam.
- If this frequently happens for a specific contact and if it needs to be whitelisted, please raise an L2 ticket.
- In case the Helpdesk restriction feature is enabled(which can be checked from DevOps from the features tab), then ticket creation might fail. Please look for the term - in logs.
- Proactive spam filtering: Get the message ID from the customer or the email headers. Please share this link with the customer to get the email headers from the customers -
- Search with the message-id in Sumologic and if the reason shows 5.7.1 Message contains virus content - 1321: stream: Email.Phishing.VOF1-6335526-0 FOUND", then the proactive spam filtering mechanism we have on our side has rejected the email considering it to be a phishing email. If the customer thinks it's a valid email, we can raise a request to the L2 team and check further.
Ticket not created despite mailbox in running state
We pull incoming emails that land only in the inbox of the support email address.
- If there are no emails in the inbox folder, the same will not be converted to tickets
- To check the same, please share the below commands with the customer and if the count shows 0, then it needs to be checked further from the customer side.
- If all emails are not converted despite landing in the inbox, raise an L2.
1. Connect to the mailbox using openssl command :
> openssl s_client -crlf -connect
2. Log in to the mailbox ( email configured in product and mail password )
> tag login mail-id password
3. Select the folder that is configured and see how many emails exist