Account cancellations can be performed by the Account Administrators of your Freshdesk account,

  • 24 hours before Freshdesk suspends your account and 

  • 14 days (2 weeks) before Freshdesk permanently deletes your account and account data.

Also, you can no longer sign in to your account or access account data after cancellation; however, the cancellation should take effect from the next billing cycle. For example, if you cancel your subscription today, but your billing ends only in the next 5 days, you can access the account for the next 5 days.

So make sure to export your account data before canceling your Freshdesk account, and depending on the data in the helpdesk, the export can take up to 10 business days.

As an account administrator, here's how to cancel your Freshdesk account.

  1. Navigate to Admin from the menu. Under Account, click on Account Details.

  2. Under the Account Status section, click on the Cancel account button.

  3. Please select a reason for canceling your Freshdesk account, like budget constraints or feature asks, and help us with your feedback to improve your support experience. 

  4. Next, click on the Cancel account button to confirm your cancellation.

    How to cancel or delete Freshdesk account?

If you wish to reactivate your Freshdesk account, please reach out to within 14 days of account cancellation.