Possible Questions : 

- My export is stuck

- Why have I not received my account export as yet ?

- It's been 2 days since I triggered the account export, and I still have not received it. Where is my export ?

Resolution Path : 

Here's how we can check for logs to understand if an Account Export is stuck, failed or has been delivered to the agent that has triggered the export : 

  1. Choose the respective datacenter in Sumo-logic and enter the following query:
    “account-id” AND “account_export”


    “account-id” AND “account_export” AND 200

    The result will be as follows:

    2020-04-17 10:12:35 id=22dc1a6b-7a4b-4d89-9b75-cc9c349d8b5d, cid=1587118334031, wid=, e=, ip=, a=214447, u=6054250889, s=shard_7, d=sapuraomv.freshdesk.com, url=https://sapuraomv.freshdesk.com/api/_/account/export, p=/api/_/account/export, c=Admin::ApiDataExportsController, acn=account_export, h=, sts=204, f=json, db=34.53, vw=, rc=7, r=7.64, mc=6, mdr=2, m=6.17, oa=41807, qt=1.682, tdur=133.041, dur=131.36

  2. Look for the log that has sts=200 or sts=204. Scroll through the logs and check the first time the account export was initiated. If currently one export is running, triggering another export would not be possible and the customers might end up receiving the error “Currently one data export is running. Please try again later!”.

  3. Once you get the successful account export, check if the job id is assigned to the account export. (In this case, X-Request-id - 22dc1a6b-7a4b-4d89-9b75-cc9c349d8b5d). 

    How to check if the job id is assigned?

    - Copy-paste the request id in HayStack and set the time range to the successful account export.

    - X- Request - id :  22dc1a6b-7a4b-4d89-9b75-cc9c349d8b5d

    - Time Range: 17/04/2020 15:42:35.000 +0530 to 17/04/2020 16:00:00.000 +0530

    The job id will be assigned right after the following log (Completed 204 Content). If you don't find the job right after this, then expand the time range and check if the job id was assigned later.

  4. In general, it takes 7-10 business days for the exports to complete as this depends on the data present in the customers instance

  5. The customer initiated an export at 15.42 and the other exports he tried after this have failed and you can see the status 400 for those requests.

  6. Once the account export is initiated, a job id will be created and assigned to the export as follows:

    1288339bf47265ccc368f857 is the job id and it was assigned at 17th April 20.33. Though the export was initiated at 15:42, the job id was assigned only at 20.33 and this could be because of infra issues at our end.

  7. Here's how the details are fetched. This is how we determine if the export is running or not.  We can see the details being printed in the logs. Set the time range to last 15 mins and check if the x-request-id provides any results. If yes, the account export is still running.

  8. Once the export is completed, a Token would be generated and the account export email would be sent to the Agent who triggered the export.

  9. We have 2 ways in which this can be viewed. Either over the email sent to the agent, or under the "Account Exports" tab which can be found under Admin-->Account-->Account Exports.

  10. In case there is an issue with the email not being delivered, or if the Account Export tab is not functional, we can construct the URL using the token & share it with the customer in the following way :

    Sample URL --> https://sapuraomv.freshdesk.com/download_file/1/f1357d4674ce6a0262e924b241d49b14fba77b87 

    The last part of the URL is the token we fetch from the logs (token -f1357d4674ce6a0262e924b241d49b14fba77b87)

    download_file/1/ - Account Exports

    download_file/2/ - Ticket Export


    When a ticket can be moved to L2?

    a) If the job id is not assigned to the export even after 2 days, then the ticket can be moved to L2. 
    b) If we see any errors as shown below: