Possible Queries : 

- When ticket A is merged to ticket B, in that case ticket A get status Closed in Freshdesk. Is it possible to change it to Resolved status, for example? Or any custom status?

- When the ticket is merged and closed into the primary ticket, does that not trigger the "onTicketUpdate" event from the product events in serverless app? - Yes

- When merging tickets, the notes from the Secondary ticket are added to the Primary ticket as Private Notes. Default value is Private. Would it be possible for the default setting to be made as "Public"?

Resolution Path : 

  • When ticket A is merged to ticket B, in that case, ticket A is set to the status "Closed" in Freshdesk. Is it possible to change it to the "Resolved" status upon merge, for example? Or any custom status?

    Answer : The default status that the secondary ticket is set to will be the "Closed" status. Currently, we do not have a way to change the default ability to set the ticket to any other status apart from "Closed".

    However, we can change the status after the merge action with the help of an Automation Rule. Here is how,
    Navigate to Admin-->Workflows-->Automations-->Ticket Updates-->New Rule :

  • When the ticket is merged and closed into the primary ticket, does that not trigger the "onTicketUpdate" event from the product events in serverless app?

    Answer : Yes,when a ticket is merged, and Closed into the primary ticket, it will indeed invoke the "onTicketUpdate" event from the product event, which can be used in a serverless app.

  • When merging tickets, the notes from the Secondary ticket are added to the Primary ticket as Private Notes. Default value is Private. Would it be possible for the default setting to be made as "Public"?

    Answer : The default value cannot be modified currently in Freshdesk. The product allows the notes from the Secondary ticket to be added only as "Private"